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Call Forwarding

The Office Phone isn’t dead – it is more powerful than ever!

As a business owner, I bet you get several calls a week from companies promising to upgrade your office technology with revolutionary new systems that will transform the way you work. But when you take the plunge and install this technology, you find that these claims were overhyped, or certainly premature, as the technology fails…

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5000 mile phone call rescues couple in Brazil

However advanced technology gets, a phone call is often the most effective way to communicate. This is perfectly illustrated by the couple from London who became trapped in a remote ravine in the Amazon jungle. The pair, aged in their 60s, became trapped after their motor home left the road 200 miles from the nearest…

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Case Study: Bloom in Business increases sales through 0844 number

As a new start-up which helps business people to connect and also promotes the benefits of good business practice, Bloom in Business was keen to present an ultra-professional image but without the high start-up costs usually associated with advanced call management services. They also needed to replace individual mobile numbers with a single number that improved their efficiency and gave them a national presence.

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Telecoms news – Nokia and Microsoft join forces

Nokia and Microsoft’s collaboration is another important development for mobile phones and hihlights the importance of mobiles to our lives. Make sure you never miss miss a call by using an 08 number with call forwarding to your mobile from 08 Direct.

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