Three essential tips for all new businesses

Starting a new business in the current economic climate is extremely difficult, so any steps that can be taken to ease the pressure straight away and potentially save money will free up vital funds and no doubt be welcomed.

Here are our three essential tips for every new business:

Focus on building up a social media audience

Embrace the social media revolution right from the off because sites like Twitter and Facebook enable you to reach potential customers relatively easily. It’s effectively free marketing and if you have the right approach to social media and how it works then it can raise brand awareness quickly and naturally. Get it wrong, though, and the reputation of your business can quickly suffer so check out sites such as Mashable regularly as they offer plenty of useful advice and ‘how-to’ articles on how to capitalise on potential social media opportunities.

Teach common sense around the

It’s vital for your workforce to be actively involved in helping your company keep outgoings to a minimum and that means ensuring everyone turns off equipment when not in use, turn off all lights when exiting a room and turn central heating/air conditioning units down or off altogether. Energy bills can quickly spiral out of control if staff members are wasteful and can easily be controlled. Purchase energy-saving accessories and equipment as they provide better value for money.

Source a cheaper phone service

Communication is the very lifeblood of every business. It’s how you interact with existing and potential new customers and you need to ensure that it’s not costing you – or your customers – a fortune to keep in touch with each other. Here at 08Direct we have various business solutions that are not only affordable, but can also potentially help to generate leads as having an 0800 number can increase enquires by up to 175%. We also have the UK’s best rates when it comes to 0800 numbers, offer 0844 numbers free of charge and have plenty of competitive deals to suits the exact needs of every business.

Photo courtesy of Images_of_Money on Flickr

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